Pallasmaa, Juhani The Embodied Image

The Embodied Image. : Imagination and imagery in Architecture / Juhani Pallasmaa . - 1º Ed . - United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2011 . - 151 p. : il. 22 cm . - «Image in contemporary culture», p. 14. -«Image production and the feasibility of architecture», p. 17. -«Architecture and the spectacle», p. 19. -«Language, thought and image», p. 26. -«The meanings of image and imagination», p. 32. -«The many faces of the image», p. 40. -«The lived and embodied image», p. 41. -«The multi-sensory image», p. 50. -«The archetypal image in architecture», p. 58. -«Architecture as mandala», p. 61. -«The mataphor», p. 66. -«Image, affect and empathy», p. 69. -«Images of incompleteness and destruction», p. 74. -«The anatomy of the poetic image», p. 92. -«The lived metaphor», p. 103. -«Thinking through art», p. 106. -«Unity of the arts: art and life», p. 110. -«Aestheticisation and beauty», p. 113. -«The architectural image», p. 118. -«Architecture and the world», p. 119. -«Architecture as metaphor», p. 120. -«Architecture as a verb», p. 123. -«The house and the body», p. 124. -«Primal architectural images and archetypes», p. 128. -«The imagery of the window and the door», p. 130. -«Newness and tradition», p. 137. . - 978-0-470-71190-3

TEA 203 (Biblioteca da Ordem dos Arquitectos - Lisboa) - 9780470711903