Architectural Design 1/2 (1992)

Architectural Design 1/2 (1992). : Modern Pluralism just exactly what is going on? / ed. lit. Andreas Papadakis . - 1ª ed . - London : Academy Editions, Jan.-Fev. 1992 . - 96 p. : il. 31 cm . - Architectural Design Profile nº 95 . - "Smarden - a medieval village in Kent" / Anthony Quiney, p. VIII"Venice Biennale 1991", p. XXV. -"The New Modern Agenda" / Charles Jencks, p. 17. -"The Architecture of the Event" / Bernard Tschumi, p. 24. -"Kyoto Station Competition" / Bernard Tschumi, p. 28. -"Chartres Masterplan" / Bernard Tschumi, p. 40. -"The Chiba Project, Tokyo" / Morphosis, p. 46. -"The Byzantium, Amsterdam" / OMA, p. 62. -"Johan Otto von Spreckelsen : La Grande Arche, La Défense" / text by Gloria Camino de Broadbent, p. 66. - "Kyoto Station Competition" / James Stirling, Michael Wilford, p. 72. -"Kitakyushu International Conference Centre, Fukuoka" / Arata Isozaki, p. 82. . - 1-85490-124-9

ESP-VC 072 (Biblioteca da Ordem dos Arquitectos - Lisboa) -