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From the late 19th century house question to social housing programs in the 30s : the nationalist regulation of the picturesque in Portugal / Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos, Eliseu Gonçalves, Sérgio Dias Silva

Autor: Ramos, Rui Jorge Garcia, 1961- Co-autor: Gonçalves, Eliseu, 1966-
Silva, Sérgio Dias, 1982-
Notas de conteúdo: In the early 20th century in Portugal, a new architecture was produced as the offspring of different references, conforming to a process of "Portugueness" based on the picturesque. From the beginning of the dictator-ship in 1926, the State took advantage of that phenomenon to sublimate nationalist values. Through the first programs of mass housing construction, the single-family house became an object of consumption and a cornerstone of national identity. The search for identity brings together different architectures across the century featuring a renewed Portuguese sentiment infused with different prspectives on the "homeland", its history and its culture Analítico: "Docomomo Journal". - Lisboa, (Set. 2014). - ISSN 1380/3204. - nº 51. - p. 61-67 Termos de indexação: Portugal
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Artigo de periódico Biblioteca da Ordem dos Arquitectos - Lisboa
Analíticos PE-DOC 051 Não pode ser emprestado - consulta local

In the early 20th century in Portugal, a new architecture was produced as the offspring of different references, conforming to a process of "Portugueness" based on the picturesque. From the beginning of the dictator-ship in 1926, the State took advantage of that phenomenon to sublimate nationalist values. Through the first programs of mass housing construction, the single-family house became an object of consumption and a cornerstone of national identity. The search for identity brings together different architectures across the century featuring a renewed Portuguese sentiment infused with different prspectives on the "homeland", its history and its culture.

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